Breaking the Ocean by Annahid Dashtgard. Just read this book!

Important book in the understanding of diversity and antiracism/racism. This is a groundbreaking book -honest, courageous, intelligent and self aware in its understanding of and analysis of racism encountered by a young girl who immigrated to Canada from Persia/Iran with her Iranian father and British mother and two younger siblings. Raised in Alberta in a primarily white environment Dashtgard did not find herself represented among the white children and teachers around her. Bullied, misunderstood, unsupported around these experiences in her family struggling to survive themelves in this hostile environment, she grew up with trauma unresolved until midlife when she had already been a prominent activist, organizer, speaker and married with young children Finally part of a mixed community in Toronto that was comfortable for her and her young family and finding a therapist with relevant understanding, she was able to write and finish this must read book. It helps us uunderstand the issues underlying the racism in our society. About the privilege of the white majority. Yes, all of this, and at the same time I was impressed by the wonderful writing and the luminous understanding of the author. It extended my own understanding and how necessary it is for each of us to recognize how we must be involved in critical changes both within ourselves and in society.

Posted on July 8, 2020 .