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More from Mary Lou …

Go to the Books tab to see summaries and reviews of her other books.

“One Day It Happens” short story collection. 2007

Ile ‘Or” Novel. 2010

“Would I Lie To You” Novel. 2014

The books can be ordered through your local bookstore, from the publisher (www.innana.ca) & online at:

Order “Dance Season” 2020 at www.amazon.ca

Feb. 2020. A review in “Canadian Literature.” Check it out!  http://canlit.ca/article/murder-and-sin-in-t-dot/

This mystery, “The White Ribbon Man,” highlights a diverse city, Toronto. People say they like that aspect of the book as well as the mystery that unfolds there.

When a woman goes into a church to use the washroom, she sees a terrifying scene. On the floor are legs sticking out of one of the stalls.

Who is the woman?

No one knows.

There is no identification, just an empty purse

Read The White Ribbon Man to find out what happened and “who done it!.”