2020. January progress report.

So, here it is, already February 2020. Where does time go? What I do know is that it goes by awfully quickly. But I have been busy, so likely that is why it seems to have done so even faster than usual.

What have I been doing?

  1. My Short story cellection, “Dance Season,” is almost complete. The stories are linked with the same central character, Laurie, in all of them. It is presently beng read by a reader who is a very insightful and interested friend who has agreed to make any comments she feels are relevant to creating a better book. Ellen Hrivnak has done this for me before and I am eternally grateful for her ability to look at a text objectively and offer helpful comment. Some of the stories have also benefited from the critiques of my two writers’ groups.

  2. My memoir, “Late Bloomer,” is with my publisher. I await its fate. It is taking rather a long time and, as a writer, one does not know what that means. Is it going to be accepted? Or rejected? If accepted, when will it be published? If rejected, where will I submit it? Will I submit it as is? Or will I revise it yet again? This is the daily life of a writer. And these are the kinds of questions we ask ourselves. .

  3. At the momnet, I am putting my energy into the book on retirement. “The Stage Is Yours; Finding Meaning and Purpose in Retirement.” What is my framework for writing this book? Is it a new frame for seeing retirmeent? I think so. There are so many books out there that take on the subject. How is this book different? I don’t doubt that there will be some overlap,. My hope is that in focussing on the emotional and social aspects of this transition you, the reader, will be inspired to take a look at your own options slighty differently and with new enthusiasm. I suspect you will find inspiration in the stories of a variety of people who have responded to questionnaires and with whom I have had conversations. It is possible and probable that you will then take new approaches to planning your own retirement/s. Or possibly to evaluating your life after this transition.

  4. Question: What do you think at this stage about your own journey into or beyond retirement? And what questions do you have about it? What insights and ideas have you incorporated? Do let me know. It is by hearing stories that people remember what they read. Of course, these stories have to be presented well for impact, but I am hoping they will be! So I will keep on revisng until I am satisfied with them..

  5. Thanks to those who gave feedback re the title for the retirement book. Most liked what I am still using, but there were some thoughtful comments and suggestions. Whether I make a change later or not, I appreciate feedback that also makes me think.

 Happy Winter, Folks. If you’re down south, enjoy the warmth and sunshine. If you are living a northern winter, keep warm, albeit by bundlng up!

Until next time!

Mary Lou\


Posted on February 3, 2020 .